ATS ADOS Contains the Following Applications:

  • ATS Advanced Reporting Services
  • ATS Bus: Manufacturing Service Bus
  • (real-time device, automation, MES/MOM/ERP/PLM connectivity and data contextualization)
  • ATS CM4D: Dimensional quality validation (design, make, compare)
  • ATS Inspect: Quality assurance and inspection
  • (improve product quality and reduce manufacturing costs)
  • ATS Intelligence: Downtime tracking and reporting of OEE
  • ATS SPC: Statistical Process Control

The Smart Manufacturing IssueIndustry Standards

In any manufacturing plant you’ll have a lot of design and production data. It’ll be in several different places, in several different formats. We need a smart decision making solution that can bring all of your data together so that it can be accessed, analysed and become actionable.

The ATS ADOS Solution

That’s where ATS ADOS comes in. ATS ADOS is the Smart Manufacturing & Industry 4.0 software suite that will allow you to collect, combine, analyse, report and act on production data.

Collect All Your Production Data

ATS ADOS starts by collecting your data… all of it. No matter whether it’s attribute, dimensional or operational, ATS ADOS has a solution that allows you to retrieve it both automatically and manually.

Data Contextualisation

To add value to the data ATS ADOS contextualises it, linking it to other relevant data. This turns that small piece of data into highly versatile intelligence that everyone will want a piece of.

Integrated Data Communication

To get your data from A to B, ATS ADOS utilises its own manufacturing services bus that will connect every level, from the servers on the factory floor right up to your management systems and everywhere in between.

A Cyber Physical System

ATS ADOS even creates a secure link between the real world and the virtual world, allowing you to compare exactly how things should be produced with how things have been produced.

A Smart Advisor

Managing so much of your data puts ATS ADOS in the perfect position to help make those important production decisions. As a Smart Advisor it can monitor production within the plant, carry out predictive analysis and offer advice when important choices need to be made.

Event Alarms

If anything does go wrong, ATS ADOS will tell the right people right away, no matter where they are in the world.

In-Depth Reporting and Analysis

And, finally, with the built-in reporting and analysis tools you can unleash the combined strength of all of your data sources allowing you to reveal hidden trends and access a whole new world of predictive analysis.



RZM-169A G/F Old No.20
Vijay Enclave Palam
New Delhi-110045(India)



+91 9253000311 , 9015972073